Brought to you by Kayo-oke ... Kami Hindi-oke
(an alliance of the country's envious poor)
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A warning to business cronies ...

And now that food is dear
And so we fish and eye your garden
While you and friends gulp beer
You drink a case
You’ll puke we’re certain

We’ve lived a life that’s bull
We’ve travelled each and every alley
But worse, much worse than this
We've lived the hard way

Regrets we have a slew
But then again, too sad to mention
We did what we had to do
And waded through with no redemption

We’re banned from your golf course
Can’t cut your cars with our jeepneys
But worse, much worse than this
We've lived the hard way

There were no times
We’re sure you knew
When we bit off more than we could chew
But through it all, there was no doubt
You ate it up and spit it out
You had it all and you stood tall
Living the rich way

We’ve loved, we’ve laughed and cried
We've had our fill, mostly of losing
And now as tears run out
We find it all not too amusing

To think, we'll go through that
And may we say, not in a shy way
Oh no, oh no not us

For what is a man, big bucks he got?
If it's not ours, then we have not
To pay the things we truly need
Don’t trust the words of one who steals
The record shows, as we took the blows
You chilled out in Maui

... Just stay in Maui